Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Women and Children First

To live in poverty that is. Recent Colorado numbers from the census bureau are not suprising, but continue to illustrate the need for systemic changes in employment, education and family planning. Read more here.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Poverty along the continuum of Economic Security

More detailed poverty numbers are due this week, but as the authors of this article (Making sense of poverty numbers - By Barbara Ehrenreich and Diana Pearce) state, it's not just about counting the poor, it's about defining a clearer picture of household financial health.

For a continuing discussion, join national and local advocates for a free regional meeting-- Building Bridges to Economic Security--this Friday, October 1, 2010. Register here to attend. Topics include creating a flexible workplace, making the case for social security, community investment and the impact of poverty reduction task forces.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Employment Workgroup Meeting September 28th

Economic Opportunity & Poverty Reduction Task Force
Employment Work Group
SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Venue: Denver Inner City Parish, 1212 Mariposa Street, Denver



Building Bridges toward Economic Security
sponsored by Wider Opportunities for Women,
Oct 1st, 9-5:30, breakfast and lunch included. Free.

Need to register at .
Co-hosted by The Colorado Center on Law and Policy and 9to5 National Organization of Working Women

Larimer County meeting with businesses has been postponed.

Guest: representative of the African Community Center

Tracey: refugee communities/poverty reduction, census data
Jim: mental model mapping, enterprise zones
Robb: Individualized savings accounts
Carol: blanket bans against hiring felons

Other business
Strategic planning/drafting

Remaining meetings are Oct. 12th, Oct. 26th
Next steps

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Live Chat Boulder EOPR Task Force Meeting

Follow the Boulder meeting of the Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force Here. Tracey Stewart will be transcribing live and awaiting your comments starting at 1:30 pm on September 23, 2010.

Monday, September 13, 2010

September 23-Economic Task Force Meeting-Boulder

The Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force invites interested stakeholders to the next Task Force Meeting in Boulder.

Date: SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 (Thursday)

Time: 1:30 pm -5:00 pm

The meeting will be held at the Boulder County Justice Center. The Boulder County Justice Center is located at 1777 6th Street in Boulder.

The Boulder County Justice Center is located at 6th and Canyon. If you take the bus from Denver to Boulder it will drop you off at the Downtown Boulder bus station located on Broadway (12th) and Canyon and it’s a short walk to the Justice Center.

If you drive, there is parking just east of the Justice Center.

The meeting will be in the Jury Assembly Room, located on the north side of the building. You will have to go through a security area to enter the building.

Boulder County will present what works for them and give us some insight on their strategic plan. We will also hear updates from the employment workgroup and the education workgroup.

Please call Tracey (303)573-5669 ext. 314 if you are in need of transportation.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

October 1st-Economic Security Conference

Please join members of the Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force, Colorado advocates and various national and local speakers during this day long event to Build Bridges toward Economic Security. The Colorado Center on Law and Policy is co-hosting this regional meeting with Wider Opportunities for Women.

Agenda topics and workshops include: Employment and flexible workplaces; The Impact of Social Security on Economic Security; Job Training and Skills Development; Re-Building Colorado Communities through Family Economic Self-Sufficiency; and Collaborative Efforts-What's Working in Colorado.

National and local research on how the economy has changed our view of family economics will be released for your REALITY CHECK.

This event is free and space is limited. For more information and to register with Wider Opportunities for Women go to:

Education Workgroup Meeting September 10

The Education Workgroup of the Task Force will hold this month's meeting at the offices of the Colorado Center on Law and Policy.

Date: September 10, 2010
Time: 9:30 am to 11:00 am
Location Address: 789 Sherman Street #300

Metered parking is available in front of the building, and two hour free visitor parking is available in the lot just east of the building. The entrance to the lot is off 8th.

The topic this week is Higher Education and it's impact on poverty reduction. The workgroup will meet with the Department's new legislative representative and review recommendations from the 2009 session as well as new initiatives the department has for moving Coloradans forward through opportunity.

Please join us on Friday.