The Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force begins its 2011 interim session much as the 12% of Coloradans living in poverty begin their summers. Although the Task Force was restored to its legislative status, it received no funding required to move forward and is required to "bootstrap" its way into legitimacy. The playing field for interim committees include funding for staff support from legislative council and travel reimbursement for participating legislators. This Task Force, reflective of the communities it is meant to represent, will not have access to those resources without another funding source. The playing field for the Task Force is not level, although resources are available.
STILL WE RISE: The Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force hosted a "meet and greet" with the Women's Family Action Network. The topic of the day was the "Colorado Cliff Effect" and many attendees were pleased with the discussion outcome. Look for other Task Force events throughout the summer and if you want to support the efforts of the group, contact Representative John Kefalas.