Thursday, July 19, 2012

2012 Colorado Conference on Poverty - Understanding CSBG and Getting Ahead of Poverty

Tuesday, August 07, 2012 10:00 AM - Friday, August 10, 2012 12:30 PM (Mountain Time)
The Colorado Conference on Poverty is coordinated by the Colorado Community Action Association
PO Box 18321, Denver, CO 80218
(303) 949-9934
Pueblo Convention Center
(719) 542-1100
320 Central Main Street
Pueblo, Colorado 81003
United States

Map and Directions

Enjoy beautiful Pueblo, Colorado - the gateway to Southeast Colorado while participating in a four-day conference packed full of amazing sessions and speakers, inspiring and entertaining keynotes and networking activities with your peers!

Local organizations throughout our state, known as Community Action Agencies or Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Entities/Subcontractors, actively partner with communities and other organizations on the local, state and national level to reduce the causes of poverty, fight the impacts of poverty, and help people with low-income achieve self-sufficiency.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July Task Force Meeting-July 18, 2012

July 2012 Meeting of the Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force 

You, your constituents and your partner organizations are invited to attend the “Creating a New Plan-Strategies for Employment and Education” meeting

This subject is especially timely since current figures show that Colorado’s increased unemployment rate is 8.1%-the same as the national unemployment rate-ranking us 34th in the nation. Developing educational strategies and matching job skills and training with areas of job growth are critical to reducing poverty among Colorado’s most vulnerable populations. We are prompted by the new information memo from the Administration of Children and Families, which now allows states to request “work participation waivers” in an effort to spark innovative ideas for enhancing employment for TANF recipients. Sound familiar? It should—we called it SB12-139 last session.
Date:         July 18, 2011              Time:         3:30 pm-5:30 pm
Location:     Capitol Building (200 Colfax, Denv)    Committee Room 0112


3:30-3:45 Call to order/introductions-- Senator Hudak
3:45-4:00 Employment & Education Strategies presentation 4:00-4:30 Discussion and approval of strategies for plan inclusion
4:30-4:45 Quick Break (snacks, bathroom, etc)
4:45-5:15 Brainstorming-What’s missing in this section of the plan? Who knows of “what’s working” for website nomination? What are legislative ideas for 2013?
5:15-5:30 Announcements and Wrap Up   

Monday, July 2, 2012

PPACA and its Impact on Colorado's Working Poor

The hoopla is over and we're back to the everyday grind. In two days we'll be celebrating another year of independence for the country. This year there may be a pause, a consideration and a moment of wonder for The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. No matter how you slice it, or call it, this piece of legislation demonstrates the power of commitment to a common agenda. What will it mean for Colorado's working poor? Well, first and foremost it will increase access to many underserved communities. According to Barbara L. Wolfe, from the Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, the increase in funding for community health centers will bring more service providers to neighborhoods (especially rural) who have little to no access now. For more on how implementation will decrease barriers to access read "Health Care Reform and Low-Income Families: New Costs, Lower Burdens".