A space for Colorado residents and the Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force to communicate and collaborate on ways to reduce poverty and create economic opportunity.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
January Meeting-Hear from Employers
JANUARY 6, 2012 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
We will be meeting at the Capitol (room to be announced). The presentation of the day will be Bridges to Employment, sponsored by Worklife. Several employers will testify to their success working with low-income workers striving for economic self-sufficiency. We will also review a first draft of the Strategic Plan for reducing poverty through increased economic opportunity.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Beyond the Breadline
And that is where this story begins. The film goes beyond the scope of the trailer--beyond the breadline, looking at solutions.
Watch the video here:
Friday, December 16, 2011
Reading Room for 12/16
Have a great meeting.
A British reporter on a long term assignment in NYC has her first American health care experience, and all of the concern over cost that it involves:
Gary Younge looks at the widening demographics of SNAP enrollees:
And from NPR, on the number of impoverished Americans:
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
12/16 - Next Economic Opportunity and Poverty Reduction Task Force Meeting
Monday, December 5, 2011
*Activism Activity*
Get in touch with your representatives to make sure they know the importance of extending unemployment insurance. UI is set to expire at the end of this year. That is just a few weeks away! (15 points for every letter sent or phone call placed)
'If Congress does not take action by the end of the year, more than 6 million people will lose benefits next year, according to an estimate provided by House Democratic staff.
“In 31 days, time will run out for millions and millions of Americans who are counting on this Congress to extend their unemployment benefits,” Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said at Wednesday’s press conference. “Some lawmakers say that we can’t afford to extend unemployment benefits and the payroll tax in the current fiscal environment. I say we can’t afford not to."
- Wall Street Journal (complete article at http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2011/11/30/congress-wrestles-with-2012-unemployment-benefits-extension/)
Half in Ten Denver Presentation
Monday, November 28, 2011
11/17 EOPR - Metrics Subcommittee Meeting Notes
Metrics Subcommittee Meeting Notes
Economic Opportunity and Poverty Reduction Task Force
November 17, 2011
Present: Rep. John Kefalas, Tracy Stewart (CCLP), Kate Veeder (CCLP), Lizzy Stephan (Bell Policy Center)
This meeting was devoted to discussing Rep. Kefalas’ Poverty Impact Statements bill.
Last session, the “ranking minority member” language (re: who could request a poverty impact statement) seemed to upset people
Legislative Council informed Rep. Kefalas that in order to do these statements within existing resources, they would have to limit the total number of statements that could be requested. Six statements could work.
Want to be cautious messaging this bill because the idea of attaching business impact statements is also floating around.
Should the criteria for evaluating a bill be narrowed down more? What about the different ways of measuring poverty—which should be included?
Messaging could be tied into the Governor’s OEDIT plan—the Blueprint: when doing economic development, it directs people to consider the impacts on poverty. Everyone should read the Blueprint.
Criteria for when an impact statement can be requested: this could be narrowed. Definitely want to keep household income, assets, financial security piece. That fits into the frame from the EOPR’s Community Report (model includes consideration of the resources & assets that you start with). Also keep employment & workforce development, as this fits in the model as well—it also fits in with Hickenlooper’s economic development plan. It would be easy to get this data from the Department of Labor. Education is intervention and creates a pathway, but this could be taken out.
Poverty impact statement example: employment & felonies: the poverty impact statement would be high because many people with felonies are unemployed. Also a policy easy employment policies for people with felonies would increase the employment pool for employers. Pipeline to Prison already looks at this, they could do the numbers.
Another example: a pay equity program: do a projection based on the number of people in the workforce. Legislative Council could say: this is how much money would be in people’s pockets after this policy, because right now X number of women are making less than men.
Metrics: Which measurement to use?
Rep. Kefalas: We could use the Human Development Index. Also the people in the public health department already look at the social determinants of health, so we could use those indicators. Wants to create flexibility for Leg Council so that if they have the resources they could use the Supplemental Poverty Measure, Otherwise they could use the social determinants of health, or the self sufficiency standard…plus tie it into the Community Report. Giving them an array of tools would be useful.
Tracy: the bill as it is written makes it sound like Leg Council has to do an analysis using each of those poverty measurers.
Rep. Kefalas spoke to Natalie from Leg Council, who said that doing a statement that shows how much a bill moves people above or below 200% of FPL would be very expensive.
Tracy: What if we tried a qualitative statement? It could say something like “we understand that with the passage of this bill 54% of the workforce would see an increase in their earnings by 27% over the next year. We predict that this will make a different in X number of households.” Elizabeth Gardener in the state demographers office already does something like this. Maybe we want to work with the demographers? It could say X number of households would move from FPL.
We could use the scale from the community report and assign codes, and have a qualitative statement based off of that: “impact of 3”, moving 20,000 families for example from zone 1 to zone 3. The demographers office already knows the number of families at different levels of poverty.
Hardest sell is then how we chose the ratings, defining the zones. But it would take the pressure off of Leg Council.
Rep. Kefalas: we could test it for two years, even if the statement is just a paragraph like it is with tax credits.
Monday, November 21, 2011
With the Stroke of a Pen
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Reading Room
I have come across a couple of articles in the past couple of days that are striking enough to not want to wait until next week to post, so here they are.
From the latest issue of Rolling Stone, how we ended up in the situation that we are in:
A Reuters article exploring recent census data on poverty and children:
Lastly, a working paper from members of the Occupy DC group at Freedom Plaza on how they see things and proposed solutions:
Friday, November 18, 2011
Save the Date! Next 2 EOPR Task Force Meeting Dates:
EOPR Meeting notes 11/17/2011
Representatives present: Senator Hudak (chair), Senator White, Representative Kefalas, Representative Kagan, Senator Boyd
Stakeholders: Tracey Stewart (CCLP), Colorado Apartment Association, Homeless Advocacy Group, CHFA, Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, Denver Human Service, Boulder County, Bell Policy Center, Project WISE, Denver Women’s Commission, Colorado Legal Services, Jewish Family Service, Arapahoe Early Childhood Council, Work Life, 5 Points District
Need to concentrate on legislative ideas. Since EOPR task force isn’t official Legislative committee the group can’t introduce any bills. Any potential bills will have to be run personally by a legislator on the task force. Only 2 bills can be introduced after December 1.
Senator Hudak reported about a conference she attended re: Access to post secondary education for low income women:
If a woman is on TANF and she has certain work requirements education is available as meeting some of those requirements but there are certain difficulties in utilizing TANF and other federally provided funds to attend community college because of requirements of the community college system versus the requirements of TANF. Conflicts in number of hours you have to attend vs. credits vs. what colleges require and how that conflicts with Colorado Works requirements, difficulty with workforce centers working with community colleges. Plus the financial issues regarding human services wanting to pay for it as a lump sum and colleges won’t take a lump sum only per semester. Looking at legislation for women on TANF.
Educational Success Task Force: doesn’t have any legislation going forward in addressing any issues EOPR is looking at but it is authorized to proceed and meet throughout the year. They will be having a panel of college presidents and people from Department of Labor discussing how to resolve conflicts among those systems.
2011 Self Sufficiency Standard – Came out in October. Fact sheets available. Child Care jumped about 58% across the state. Health care up 54% across the state between 2004-2011. Federal legislation is looking at doing similar things as the task force. “Stroke of the Pen” - Looks at poverty reduction as a result of economic opportunity. Looks at how many families are removed from poverty as well as moved towards self sufficiency. Looking at what specific communities make the greatest progress. Costs skyrocketed, wages did not.
Kefalas is working on a poverty bill. Would like to work standard into poverty impact statement.
Megan Davis (Boulder County) Process, programmatic and policy ideas – education, savings, protecting assets. Urban Institute produced a document regarding Health Reform assisting in education.
Feds put out SPM which is not state specific. They included information about how public benefits push people out of poverty specifically EITC – Earned Income Tax Credit
Half in Ten Campaign: comparable indicators to public health indicators. Campaign Manager is coming to present December 1st. Looking at their measurement as well.
Still working to put out report regarding how to move folks forward. Metrics committee will take ideas, use logic models and find out how many people will be affected, including Circles, Nursing Care, recommendations from work groups.
Paula Gomez – Skill Build Colorado – funding collaborative helping entry level workers obtain jobs and better careers.
47% of Colorado jobs are middle skill jobs but Colorado doesn’t do much in helping people understand what those opportunities are. Multiple programs duplicating services and not coordinating. Asking for: Better coordination of services, Set up system of credential counting, adult basic education, better process or method for business engagement. Disconnect in different work force development agencies.
Kagan is working with department of higher ed and department of labor to produce a report detailing the future output of qualified people if nothing is changed in higher education or where improvements can be made.
Work Group Updates:
Housing and Utilities: Discussion re: Whether low income tax credits could be targeted at lower income serving projects than they are now in greater proportion paying more attention to a large project failing when it is a large number of low income tenants and how the risks might be mitigated and how we might do that. Need to do this without putting undo risk on taxpayers. Committee has things to add to strategic plan –
Access to Benefits: Discussed work first and food stamps. People who are working are not able to use their actual work as a work activity for their food stamps. (If you are working 29 hours/week, that doesn’t meet a certain threshold so to get your food stamps you are required to do community service which becomes a real barrier for folks that are working.) Suggestion to count financial education as a work activity. Discussed the number of case managers that actually touch a case. People have CMs in different departments. The idea of creating a pilot for navigators who would be THE CM and would work through all the different departments these clients interface with. Transportation to and from meetings and administrative time spent with CM should all count as work activities as well. You can’t be working at your job when you’re keeping up with all the required activities. Another possible pilot to move toward a workforce model where the client does their own IRC – individual responsibility contract (currently happens with refugees) Working to level out the cliff effect. How can this work better for people so it doesn’t all go away at once. Last thing, MSR – monthly status report (should be gone but CBMS is still kicking them out) (Boyd to look at a bill for the entirety)
Metrics – Discussed poverty impact statement.
Workforce Readiness: Clearing house and sharing of resource. Map out where resources are. Eliminate duplications between TANF and workforce investment act, setting goals. Discussed CCCAP, TANF, work activities. Merging of resources and focus.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The reading room returns!
Extreme poverty at record levels with supportive statistics:
The generational divide in foreclosures, Gen X hit much harder than the Baby Boomers:
'Stealing' food stamps with restitution nets a longer prison sentence than multi million dollar mortgage fraud in Mississippi:
A 22% rise in uninsured Coloradans over the past 2 years (hint - they can't afford it on their low salaries! Big news for some, old news for us):
I will be more active in posting supplementary reading material related to our work here and encourage you to do the same. Have you found an article that hits home? Link to it in the comments so we can read it too!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Winning for Activism
Friday, November 11, 2011
Making Ends Meet in Colorado
Thursday, November 10, 2011
November Meeting Details
on November 17th
from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
at the Capitol
Senate Committee Room 354
Presentation by SkillBuild Colorado on COLORADO’S FORGOTTEN MIDDLE-SKILL JOBS
Defining Family Financial Stability
Review access to postsecondary education by low-income women.
Review of the 2011 Self-Sufficiency Standard Report
Review of the Supplemental Poverty Measure Numbers
Review of the Half in Ten Campaign Poverty Reduction Indicators
Workgroup Breakout Sessions
Workgroup Report Back
Next Steps, Next Meeting
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Hickenlooper Submits State Budget Request
The proposed budget includes five key priorities:
- Protect the Vulnerable.
- Economic Development.
- Education Reform.
- Modernizing Government.
- Long-term Budget Planning.
Half in Ten releases "Restoring Shared Prosperity"
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Metrics Committee meeting October 17th
State Capitol, HCR 0111
Thanks to the efforts of Kate Watlkins and Natalie Mullis (leg council staff), we will have Dr. Tim Smeeding and Dr. Yiyoong Chung from the University of WI, Madison, Institute for Research on Poverty calling in at 9:15 AM; thei will address the following topics:
1) the latest federal efforts to develop the Supplemental Poverty Measure;
2) 2) your experiences and latest efforts at the IRP; and
3) 3) how might your measure be replicated in Colorado.
We will also be learning about another alternative poverty measure with a brief presentation from Kate Watkins. Please RSVP and let me know if you have any questions, and if I’ve missed anyone please invite them as well
Monday, October 10, 2011
October Meeting Date --Lafayette, CO
Friday, October 21 from 2:00 – 5:00pm
SISTER CARMEN CENTER, Lafayette, CO (Boulder County, CO)
Welcome by Sister Carmen Center (10 minutes)
• Brief summary of current issues in Boulder County
• Brief summary of programming
Circles Campaign program (30 min. total)
• Program introduction, overview (5 min.) – Getting Ahead, Circles, National program/promising practice, Outcomes
• Linkages to other programs (5 min.)
o Workforce
o Public benefits
o Housing
• Circle leaders presentations (20 min.)
Public Testimony/Discussion (20 – 30 minutes)
Workgroup break-out meetings (45 minutes)
Report back/next steps (30 minutes)
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Sesame Street is going there!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Colorado Grandparents Living on the Edge
"I'm disabled and barely surviving on social security. My adult children live with me because there are no jobs. Medicare premiums went up so my social security is less this year than last. But the cost of everything is going up. We keep the heat down and eat cheap but the grandchildren need better food and clothes. I'm terrified. I don't want to be an old bag lady..." Colorado's One Away Campaign
Census Bureau statistics paint a story of Grandparents as Caregivers:
6.7 million The number of grandparents whose grandchildren younger than 18 lived with them in 2009.
2.7 million The number of grandparents responsible for most of the basic needs (i.e., food, shelter, clothing) of one or more grandchildren who lived with them in 2009. These grandparents represented about 40 percent of all grandparents whose grandchildren lived with them. Of these caregivers, 1.7 million were grandmothers, and 1 million were grandfathers.
8% Percentage of grandparents living with grandchildren who were caring for their grandchildren and whose income was below the poverty level. This represents half a million grandparents.
$45,007 Median income for families with grandparent-caregiver householders and/or spouses. If a parent of the grandchildren was not present, the median dropped to $33,417.
1.6 million The number of grandparents who were in the labor force and also responsible for most of the basic needs of their grandchildren.
700,000 Number of grandparents with a disability who were caring for their grandchildren.
If Colorado is serious about poverty reduction they must be serious about expanding resources for the aging population and recognize the stability elders provide for their families and their communities. For more information on what it takes to make ends meet and age in place please see the Colorado Elder Economic Security Standard Index. For more information on the role of Colorado in the re-authorization of the Older Americans Act go to check out this article.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Large Factor Influencing Poverty-
Friday, September 23, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
September Meeting Friday at the Capitol
The EOPR Task Force will be meeting in SENATE COMMITTEE ROOM 356. Breakout sessions will be in Senate Committee Room 354. We will be meeting from 2:00pm-5:00pm. Thank you for joining us!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
September Meeting of the Task Force -- Mark Your Calendars.
The Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force continues to meet ad hoc during this year. This meeting is task-driven specifically designed to solidify workgroups and schedules, so we will have snacks and beverages to help you keep your energy up. All are welcome.
Date: Friday, September 23, 2011
Time: 2:00 pm-5:00 pm
Location: To be determined. We are looking for space with teleconferencing access.
Introduce Senator Kevin Grantham
Update: Sustainability and Structure
Summary: The recent poverty numbers & their implications
Workgroups: Review of proposed logic models & breakouts
Mitigating the Cliff Effect Brainstorming Activity
Other Legislative Ideas, Updates and Trends
Wrap Up & Next Steps
Legislative Committee members include: Representative Mark Barker, Senator Betty Boyd, Senator Kevin Grantham,Senator Lucia Guzman, Senator Evie Hudak, Representative Joshi Janak, Representative Daniel Kagan, Representative John Kefalas, Representative Ken Summers and Senator Jean White.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Welfare Reform's 15th Anniversary
From House Ways and Means Committee
and from Jared Bernstein
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
August 2011 Meeting Announcement
Poverty Reduction
Task Force
Invites you, your constituents and your partner organizations to the “Legislative Committees are Resilient” August 2011 meeting
The Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force continues to meet ad hoc during this year. This goal of this meeting is to set the stage for what needs to happen in 2012 as we continue to push for poverty reduction through economic opportunity. All are welcome.
Date: August 26, 2011
Time: 2:30 pm-5:00 pm
Location: Capitol Building (200 Colfax)
Committee Room 0109, Denver
The meeting will be broadcast over "Live Chat", so come back to the blog on Friday to participate.
Introductions: Sen. Hudak & Rep. Summers
2010 Overview in Retrospect/Progress Report
Revisiting our Charter
Sustainability and Structure
De-brief of the 2011 County Collaborative and the REAL presentation
Debrief on the Wisconsin Poverty Report and other efforts
Mitigating the Cliff Effect Brainstorming Activity
Other Legislative Ideas and Trends
Wrap Up & Next Steps
Legislative Committee members include: Representative Mark Barker, Senator Betty Boyd, Senator Kevin Grantham,Senator Lucia Guzman, Senator Evie Hudak, Representative Joshi Janak, Representative Daniel Kagan, Representative John Kefalas, Representative Ken Summers and Senator Jean White.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The Womancession
Monday, July 11, 2011
Two Important Dates in the Next Two Weeks
Executive Committee of the Legislative Council
Monday, July 25, 2011
1:30 p.m.Senate Committee Room 354
State Capitol Building
Members of the Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force will be meeting on July 18, 2011 to work on presentation ideas for the Executive Committee of the Legislative Council. All are welcome to attend this preparatory meeting. We will meet on July 18th, from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm in SCR 354. (State Capitol) Representative Kefalas has provided written comments in his absence and others are welcome to do the same.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Colorado Elders Need Your Support
How then can we discuss cutting the fixed income of social security?
To sign petition click HERE!
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Road to Shared Prosperity Story Map
The Half in Ten campaign and the Coalition on Human Needs are pleased to announce the release of the Road to Shared Prosperity, an interactive map displaying a collection of personal stories about programs building the American Dream.
Designed to be a rich resource for the public, all stories contained in the map are paired with data on a state’s social and economic situation to show that this is about more than one person’s struggle or one family’s encounter with the safety net, but rather systemic issues that federal programs are successfully addressing.
Half in Ten and the Coalition on Human Needs are seeking additional stories to add to the map, which will be updated regularly. We welcome short video clips and written stories from service providers, beneficiaries, community leaders, business owners, and others who can speak to the value of federal programs that build prosperity and increase opportunity for all Americans. If you’d like to add your story to the Road to Shared Prosperity, click here.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
STILL WE RISE: The Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force hosted a "meet and greet" with the Women's Family Action Network. The topic of the day was the "Colorado Cliff Effect" and many attendees were pleased with the discussion outcome. Look for other Task Force events throughout the summer and if you want to support the efforts of the group, contact Representative John Kefalas.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Memorial for the American Dream of Retirement
We will be holding a memorial for retirement in order to tell Congress that we want them to make corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share before they touch American workers' money!
What: A memorial for the American dream of retirement in order to send the message to Congress that we want them to take their hands off of our social security! Wear black and bring a friend!
When: April 27th starting at 5:30pm
Where: First Unitarian Society of Denver, 1400 Lafayette Street, Denver, CO 80218
or call your Senators in solidarity:
Senator Mark Udall: 202.224.5941
Senator Michael Bennet: 202.224.5852
Thanks to Colorado Progressive Action for this event.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Budget Deficits and their Impact on Families
The Women of Color Policy Network has issued a policy brief, Analysis of FY 2012 Budget and Deficit Reduction Proposals, analyzing each budget for their impact on women of color, their families and communities. At a time when unemployment rates remain close to double digits, the Network stresses that the focus must be on building a stronger future for all with investments in infrastructure, people and communities.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Save the rich--broaden the base
Friday, April 8, 2011
Unfair Pay Gap Harms Families and Children
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Reducing Poverty One Corporation at a Time
Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent allied with Democrats, on Sunday released a list of ten big profitable U.S. companies paying little or no taxes. Sanders wants to close the loopholes that make this tax avoidance legal. Some people call the income tax system with generous loopholes for big companies corporate welfare or corporate entitlements.
1) Exxon Mobil made $19 billion in profits in 2009. Exxon not only paid no federal income taxes, it actually received a $156 million rebate from the IRS, according to its SEC filings.
2) Bank of America received a $1.9 billion tax refund from the IRS last year, although it made $4.4 billion in profits and received a bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department of nearly $1 trillion.
3) Over the past five years, while General Electric made $26 billion in profits in the United States, it received a $4.1 billion refund from the IRS.
4) Chevron received a $19 million refund from the IRS last year after it made $10 billion in profits in 2009.
5) Boeing, which received a $30 billion contract from the Pentagon to build 179 airborne tankers, got a $124 million refund from the IRS last year.
6) Valero Energy, the 25th largest company in America with $68 billion in sales last year received a $157 million tax refund check from the IRS and, over the past three years, it received a $134 million tax break from the oil and gas manufacturing tax deduction.
7) Goldman Sachs in 2008 only paid 1.1 percent of its income in taxes even though it earned a profit of $2.3 billion and received an almost $800 billion from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Department.
8) Citigroup last year made more than $4 billion in profits but paid no federal income taxes. It received a $2.5 trillion bailout from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury.
9) ConocoPhillips, the fifth largest oil company in the United States, made $16 billion in profits from 2007 through 2009, but received $451 million in tax breaks through the oil and gas manufacturing deduction.
10) Over the past five years, Carnival Cruise Lines made more than $11 billion in profits, but its federal income tax rate during those years was just 1.1 percent.
The Rainy Day is Here--Use the Umbrella
Bill SB11-124 - HODGE / GEROU Transfers Of County TANF Reserves
Wednesday, April 6 2011 Finance
1:30 p.m. Room LSB-A (1) in house calendar.
House Committee Members: Representative DelGrosso, Chairman; Representative Swerdfeger, Vice-Chairman; Acree, Beezley, Conti, Duran, Hullinghorst, Joshi, Kagan, Kefalas, Labuda, Pabon, Swalm
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Free webinar-Supplemental Poverty Measure
Representative McDermott (D-WA) will open the program with a keynote address and the following discussion will focus on how we can work together to develop shared anti-poverty goals that are inclusive of the most vulnerable sectors of society.
View a live webstreaming of the event by clicking here Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 8:00 am MST.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Counties bear witness to Recession
More on Fremont County “TANF” Community Grant Funds Cut
and from Aspen.
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Cliff Effect Webinar-Wednesday, February 23
10:00 am-11:00 am Mountain Standard Time
The Cliff Effect occurs when low-income families in Colorado lose "work support" benefits (earned income tax credits, child care assistance, etc) as their earnings increase above benefit thresholds but before they've achieved self-sufficiency.
This paradox creates a disincentive for families to earn more, diminishes their economic security and creates a cycle of dependency on support benefits. Learn about the research and policy recommendations from the Colorado Women's Foundation and the Colorado Center on Law and Policy for improving family self-sufficiency in the state.
Jody Camp, Director of Programs, Colorado Women's Foundation
Tracey Stewart, Family Economic Security Program Manager, Colorado Center on Law and Policy
Reserve your Webinar seat here.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Legislation 2011-Removing Barriers and Building Opportunity
BILL HB11-1127
Short Title: Fair Use Of Consumer Credit Information
The bill specifies the purposes for which consumer credit information (i.e., consumer credit reports and credit scores) can be used in certain situations. Section 1 of the bill restricts an employer's use of consumer credit information for employment purposes and requires an employer to disclose to an employee or applicant for employment when the employer uses the employee's or applicant's consumer credit information to take adverse action against the employee or applicant and the particular credit information upon which the employer relied. Section 2 amends the current law regarding the permissible use of credit information by an insurer offering personal lines of property and casualty insurance (insurer) as follows:
* Makes the filing of actuarial justification mandatory for insurers that use insurance scores to underwrite and rate risk; and
* Clarifies that "adverse action", with regard to insurance, includes denying a consumer a discount or placing a consumer in a higher tier. Section 3 removes a separate statutory section pertaining to the use of credit information in automobile underwriting or rating, and instead requires automobile insurers to comply with the same provisions governing use of credit information as property and casualty insurers. Current law requires a consumer reporting agency (agency) to notify a consumer when the agency receives information that would add negative information to the consumer's file. Section 4 adds to the notification requirement consumers who are cosigners to a debt. Section 5 allows landlords to use consumer credit information of a potential tenant (applicant) only to evaluate the applicant's payment history for prior tenancies. When an applicant's consumer credit information adversely impacts the landlord's decision, section 4 also requires landlords to disclose this fact to the applicant.
01/21/2011 Introduced In House - Assigned to State, Veterans, & Military Affairs
Friday, January 7, 2011
Join us today for a live chat from the meeting of the Economic Opportunity and Poverty Reduction Task Force
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Congress fails to approve critical support for seniors
When President Franklin Roosevelt signed the measure creating Social Security 75 years ago, he promised the government would offer “some measure of protection to the average citizen and to his family against … poverty-stricken old age.” However in 2011 will be the second year in a row during which Social Security recipients will receive no increase in benefits to accommodate the rising cost of living. Congress also considered, and rejected, a one-time $250 payment to help cushion the blow.
Social Security provides a financial lifeline to elders, families and people with disabilities. Nationally, three in 10 adults age 65 and older rely on Social Security for more than 90 percent of their incomes, and most beneficiaries are women. In 2010, the average Social Security benefit for women amounted to just more than $12,500. In Colorado, there are 477,256 Social Security beneficiaries older than 65, according to the federal government.
Among Colorado’s Social Security beneficiaries older than 65, an average of 66,163 or 14 percent are living in poverty, an analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Colorado Center on Law and Policy found.
Social security payments are an economic bridge for all households moving toward economic security. Not only would a one-time payment or cost-of-living adjustment have supported elders as they struggled to meet basic needs, but a one-time $250 payment would have injected significant cash into the economy. When Congress approved a similar payment in 2009, in combination with a payment to Supplemental Security Insurance beneficiaries, the effect was creation or saving of 125,000 jobs, according to the Economic Policy Institute.
The Colorado Center on Law and Policy will be examining elder economic security closely in 2011 as it publishes the Colorado Elder Index as a companion report to the 2011 Self-Sufficiency Standard. Watch for the release in summer 2011.