Monday, February 21, 2011

The Cliff Effect Webinar-Wednesday, February 23

Co-hosted by Housing Colorado and The Network

10:00 am-11:00 am Mountain Standard Time

The Cliff Effect occurs when low-income families in Colorado lose "work support" benefits (earned income tax credits, child care assistance, etc) as their earnings increase above benefit thresholds but before they've achieved self-sufficiency.

This paradox creates a disincentive for families to earn more, diminishes their economic security and creates a cycle of dependency on support benefits. Learn about the research and policy recommendations from the Colorado Women's Foundation and the Colorado Center on Law and Policy for improving family self-sufficiency in the state.

Jody Camp, Director of Programs, Colorado Women's Foundation
Tracey Stewart, Family Economic Security Program Manager, Colorado Center on Law and Policy

Reserve your Webinar seat here.

1 comment:

  1. This continues to be guiding research, so thanks for keeping it alive and meaninguful. I have to say I did have to swallow a big lump when I heard about the $200K that went to research, though I do understand that it's sometimes important to back up concepts with data--I just wish we could help everyone.
