Friday, February 24, 2012

International Women’s Day
March 8,2012

In recognition of International Women’s Day we are honoring the women who make a difference in our communities.

Please take a few minutes to write a couple paragraphs nominating an important woman in your community. We will send her a certificate honoring and appreciating her for her amazing contribution. To write your nomination, simply add a comment to this blog entry so other readers can also read about the amazing women you wish to nominate (get permission to use her name). Entries must be written by March 15th.

Please also send an email to Shaie Wilson at with the address of where the certificate should be mailed.

Thank you for your help in honoring the amazing women of our communities.

Monday, February 20, 2012

4 Million People aren't allowed to Apply for U.S. Jobs

Last night’s 60 Minutes was about folks who are deemed “long-term unemployed” and now considered unemployable. I thought it was interesting because although they talked about the want-ads with “must be currently employed to apply” they didn’t say anything about states working to prohibit that level of discrimination. I did a “Google search”and it turns out over 100,000 folks signed a petition asking to stop posting job ads that support the discrimination practice ( It also turns out that with the passage of our HB12-1134 Colorado will be setting a precedent in model legislation along this effort. YAY—we’re in first place for something that benefits working families.

Apparently, Congress and California have been grappling with this a bit, but it’s still at conversation stage. More on that from National Employment Law Project.

My thought is that if you are working with folks who fall in this category, Representative Pabon could use their testimony. Unfortunately the first hearing is February 21st but if you send him an email ( that he can read to the committee that would be welcome. I don’t know who has the lead on this bill, but it’s something worth fighting for if we expect to make a difference for some of the people we serve.

Bill HB12-1134 - PABON Prohibit Job Discrimination Against Unemployed
Tuesday, February 21 2012
Economic & Business Development
1:30 p.m. Room 0112
(2) in house calendar.

Friday, February 17, 2012

New York City's Promising Practices

The city was recognized for their efforts in reducing poverty. The two efforts specificially recognized are "providing training and job placement in high-growth industries" and another "aimed at increasing graduation rates at the city’s community colleges".

Read the full article here: