Friday, February 24, 2012

International Women’s Day
March 8,2012

In recognition of International Women’s Day we are honoring the women who make a difference in our communities.

Please take a few minutes to write a couple paragraphs nominating an important woman in your community. We will send her a certificate honoring and appreciating her for her amazing contribution. To write your nomination, simply add a comment to this blog entry so other readers can also read about the amazing women you wish to nominate (get permission to use her name). Entries must be written by March 15th.

Please also send an email to Shaie Wilson at with the address of where the certificate should be mailed.

Thank you for your help in honoring the amazing women of our communities.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to nominate Tracey Stewart. I know she and her team manage this blog, but as a colleague of hers that sees her in action each day I feel she needs to be recognized for the great work she's doing in Colorado. She doesn't just come to work everyday to do her job and go home, she puts her heart and soul into advocating and breaking down barriers for low-income people. She works evenings and weekends to get it all done. You don't come across dedication like this very often and I'd like her to know her work on behalf of those in need is appreciated!
