Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Constitutional Amendments Workgroup Meeting

The next meeting of the Constitutional Amendments Workgroup of the Economic Opportunity Poverty Reduction Task Force is:

July 28, 2010
at 1:30 pm

Location: 1120 Lincoln, Suite 900

All are welcome to discuss outreach plan for reaching low-income communities about the impact of Ballot Initiative 61.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looking forward to the meeting, and information from financing agencies and libraries (http://bhagcolorado.blogspot.com/), as well as other groups.

  3. The work is the work. Community Outreach. Knock on Doors.

  4. This is the last half of the previous comment.

    Have Fun Raisers at various sites in communities. Keep it simple and make it fun. Just looking for ways to embrace communities to do community work and strengthen community outreach RE: Political and Economic Agendas.
